
Taking over eggy featured snippets

One day when looking for a URL for our team at work to use to do some testing and training, an electronic playground of sorts, a colleague of mine saw that was available. Graciously giving the team 2 seconds to decide if they wanted it, I bought the domain.

Not my first

I have previously purchased domains for which I thought presented a good opportunity to get some traffic and most importantly for me to learn on and improve my digital skills. I’d tried a few different niches but I was constantly starting projects and never finishing them. You can check out my portfolio to see what I’m talking about. This time I have a goal.

Why fried eggs?

Well, I’m actually allergic to eggs. The comedy value is not lost on me, in fact, it’s the main reason I purchased the domain in the first place. But aside from the now obvious irony, offers a clear direction on what the site should be about, Fried Eggs of course!

The objective

The objective is to build an easy to manage, lightweight site and compete with Jamie Oliver for position zero (Featured Snippet) on Google for the term “How to fry an egg?” in 4 easy steps.

Featured snippet for “How to fry an egg?”

4 steps to fried egg SEO success

  • Buy the domain & host.
  • Build the site.
  • Created “How to fry an egg” content.
  • Optimise & rule the world!

Coming soon

Basically, I’ve only completed step 1 of the above, so stay tuned for the rest of the great battle between & Jamie Oliver.

Jamie Oliver couldn’t hold on

As the site is coming along nicely I thought I’d check in and see what the SERP is looking like for the “how to fry an egg?” search term. Well, Jamie Oliver has been de-throned and replaced with a video.

fried egg current featured snippet

This video is from 2009 and it has a maximum video quality of 240p. How has this video toppled a well explained, high authority recipe?

Looking at SocialBlade stats this video is the channels 2nd most viewed video of all time with 654.9k views, that doesn’t explain why Google’s algorithm has decided to show this video but an interesting stat, looking briefly at the YouTube channel egg recipes seem to feature heavily.

I’ll be keeping an eye on this SERP whilst the site is still under development and posting any updates.

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