
How to boost important keywords

Today’s daily SEO tip is about boosting your main keywords that have had a negative trend recently or are getting good visibility but not enough clicks. Today I was asked to look at boosting the performance of two specific keywords that are quite important to a customer. Firstly, I started by looking at the SERP […]


Keep URLs simple

This is the first mini-blog in a, hopefully, daily series where I’ll be sharing small SEO and marketing tips that I’ve come across that day. Today’s daily SEO Tip is all about keeping your URLs simple. I was working on a large UK fashion retailer, optimising their Google My Business and Bing Places listings. I […]


The Best Chrome Extensions, Tools, and Websites for SEO

This is a collection of websites, tools, and SEO chrome extensions I’ve picked up over the last year or so. Hopefully, you should be able to find a tool that can manage most of your Search Engine Optimisation needs. Some of these SEO tools are not directly related but have come in handy when performing […]


Lazy loading pugs

Update: Since writing this post, a little while ago, I’ve now switched to using Jetpack’s lazy loading feature to minimize the number of plugins on the site. This is a test to see whether the Lazy Loading improves the site speed, using Google Page Speed Insights, which now uses their Lighthouse tool, to measure. Level of […]